Class Reps Model The Way
ROAR Award of the Month (March 2021)
Two student-athletes earned the Singapore Sports School 2021 ROAR Award of the Month for March for their display of initiative and cheerful attitude in service. Leroy Lock (Swimming, Secondary 3B) and Niq Rifdi Rafiqi Yusran (Track and Field, Secondary 2E) received the Award from Principal Mr Ong Kim Soon on 8 April 2021 in commendation of their reliability as Class Representatives.
Both student-athletes were nominated by English teacher Amanda Loh for their proactivity in the role they have been entrusted with, taking the initiative to plan and execute their assigned duties and have demonstrated responsibility – which is one of the School’s five values – well. Beyond their strong commitment in carrying out their leadership duties, Leroy and Niq were praised for their heart of service and cheery attitude when helping their teachers and classmates.
Amanda shared that Leroy would note down important dates on the whiteboard to ensure that classmates do not miss important deadlines.
Leroy said: “The quote ‘If it makes you happy, it’s something you should definitely be aiming for’ keeps me motivated in everything that I do. Being entrusted with the role of Class Representative is a privilege, so I make sure to always set a good example and leave a positive impression on my classmates and teachers.”
Meanwhile, Niq puts his knowledge of technology to good use, helping teachers set up the projector and screen during lessons. He also encourages his classmates to help keep the classroom clean and organised, and leads by example by arranging the tables and chairs in the classroom and cleaning the whiteboard. The Track and Field student-athlete does so in hope of creating a conducive teaching and learning environment for his teachers and classmates, and one such method is by keeping the classroom clean and comfortable.
“I enjoy being a Class Representative as it allows me to get to know my classmates better and understand how they think. Whenever my classmates or teachers suggest areas for improvement, the other Class Rep and I will discuss to come up with a workable solution,” said Niq.
The ROAR Award is presented to student-athletes who are good role models and have exhibited the School Values of Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, Excellence and Resilience.