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Student Development


Singapore Sports School implements a customised and integrated Character and Citizenship Programme that aims to develop in our student-athletes good character, resilience and social-emotional well-being, future readiness and active citizenship. Through various intentional platforms, programmes and experiences, we envisage that our student-athletes will graduate as Learned Champions With Character, imbued with the values of Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, Excellence and Resilience (RISER).

To ensure the meaningful impact of our Student Development programmes, the school fosters a caring and enabling environment. This environment is characterised by responsible leadership, a pervasive growth mindset, emotional and physical safety, and a strong focus on the continuous learning and development of not only our student-athletes but also teachers and all staff of the school.

National Education

Donning national colours and wearing the moon and stars on one’s chest is a privilege that not many have. Our student-athletes are reminded that, as budding national athletes, they are role models and contribute to nation-building through inspiring and uniting fellow Singaporeans through their achievements in sport. The National Education (NE) programme aims to cultivate in our student-athletes a sense of belonging and emotional rootedness to Singapore. This is primarily done through curating assembly talks and the four commemorative NE events, namely Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day and National Day.

Character and Citizenship Education 

Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons are conducted twice-weekly by academy mentors and cover lessons on Education and Career Guidance, National Education, Sexuality Education, Mental Well-Being, Cyberwellness and CCE Themed Lessons. Academy mentors also facilitate discussions on contemporary issues during CCE lessons and these discussions include topics relevant to student-athletes’ lives such as bullying, online media, and race and religion.

Enhanced Mentorship and Career Guidance

Sports School’s enhanced Mentorship and Career Guidance programme enables student-athletes to meet regularly with their academy mentors and sports staff who guide and advise them on how to take practical and realistic steps towards achieving their academic and sports goals. Academy mentors and sports staff also meet with student-athletes and parents over four sessions of School-Parents Meetings and Parent-Staff-Student Conferences to keep the student-athletes on track towards attaining their goals, or take pre-emptive measures if required. Besides classroom Education and Career Guidance lessons, student-athletes are also exposed to talks and webinars featuring practitioners from different professions.

Student Development Experiences

A comprehensive range of experiences has been thoughtfully curated to support the holistic development of student-athletes. These activities include immersive learning journeys and level camps. Additionally, there are programmes focused on fostering character development, such as Anti-Bullying Week, Kindness Week, and Mental Well-Being Week, which play a pivotal role in nurturing good character, emotional resilience and positive values.

In addition to personal development, student-athletes are provided with essential education and career guidance (ECG). This includes not only ECG and counselling services but also valuable lessons on cyber wellness,  career webinars and a scholarship and university fair to further equip student-athletes with the tools they need to make informed decisions regarding their future and educational paths. 

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Sexuality Education

Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools is about enabling students to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships including those with members of the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. SEd is premised on the importance of the family as the basic unit of society. This means encouraging healthy, heterosexual marriages and stable nuclear family units with extended family support. The teaching and learning of SEd is based on respect for the values and beliefs of the different ethnic and religious communities in Singapore on sexuality issues.

The Key Messages of Sexuality Education are:
  1. Love and respect yourself as you love and respect others;
  2. Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families); 
  3. Make responsible decisions for yourself, your family and society; and
  4. Abstinence before marriage is the best protection against STIs/HIV and unintended pregnancies. Casual sex can harm and hurt you and your loved ones.
You may click here for more information on MOE Sexuality Education. 

For more information, please refer to the links below

Student Leadership Programme

All student-athletes are introduced to a 3-year leadership development programme using the Kouzes and Posner Leadership Challenge Model as our guiding framework. The five practices for the Leadership Challenge Model are reinforced during the annual Level Camps that are organised for the Secondary 1, 2 and 3 levels.

It is the School’s belief that every student-athlete should have exposure to leadership opportunities and can be developed as a leader. Student-athletes either serve as Student Leaders or as Values in Action Leaders during their 4- to 6-year stay at Sports School. Student Leadership positions in the School include being part of the Student Council, Sports and Boarding Captains as well as Class Representatives. Besides providing leadership and service for all major school functions, Student Leaders are also trained as Peer Support Leaders and look out for their peers in the School’s efforts to build a caring and enabling environment.

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Values In Action 

In addition to excelling as Champions in Sport, student-athletes are also cultivated to be Champions for Sports, fostering a strong sense of responsibility towards the community and the environment. Organising the Academy's Values in Action (VIA) projects serve as a valuable learning experience, helping student-athletes develop into socially responsible citizens. These initiatives enable them to make meaningful contributions to the community while honing their skills as self-directed learners with leadership abilities, as well as 21st-century competencies and values.

Each of the 10 Academy Programme sports and Individual Programme in Sports School work with voluntary welfare organisations as a long-term partner. Student-athletes will plan and implement activities to help beneficiaries in their partner organisations. Sports School partners with the Northwest Community Development Council to conduct the Sports Education and Experience Programme, and conducts programmes for APSN Tanglin School, Woodlands Gardens School, Woodlands Care Corner Active Ageing Centre, and Fei Yue Community Services.