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Singapore Sports School’s academic programme is anchored upon the educational objectives set out by the Ministry of Education. We strive to nurture Champions who also embodies the Desired Outcomes of Education.

Our programmes aim to develop student-athletes into confident individuals, self-directed learners, active contributors who are team players and strives for excellence, and concerned citizens.

We offer a range of secondary and through-train post-secondary programmes to cater to aspiring athletes at different levels in their academic journey.


Secondary Programmes
Secondary Programmes
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Diploma in Business (DBIZ)
Diploma in Business (DBIZ)
Diploma in Business Studies (DBS)
Diploma in Business Studies (DBS)


Student-athletes are actively supported in their academic studies as they pursue their sport dreams at Singapore Sports School.

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Small Group Teaching

Attention is optimised for each student-athlete by keeping our class sizes smaller. This allows subject teachers to have a good understanding of the student-athletes’ academic progress and provide timely support to ensure that they are able to keep pace with the rest of their classmates.

Flexible Academic Structure

The deferment and exemption provision supports the training and competition schedules of student-athletes, which may require them to miss lessons frequently, and sometimes for an extended period of time. The school exercises flexibility in assessment administration in such cases, to allow students time to attain mastery in the academic subjects before progressing onto the next academic level.

Academic Make-up System

Student-athletes who miss lessons due to sports commitments are supported through the academic make-up system to help them keep pace with their peers. Besides physical consultations, the 1:1 Learning initiative which the school has embarked on since 2020 has allowed student-athletes another avenue to remain connected with their subject teachers and classmates via their virtual classrooms. Additional academic support is also available via e-Consultations during the daily Supervised Self-Study Time during weekday evenings.

Academy Mentorship

The academy mentor who is assigned to each student-athlete follows their growth and progress over the entire duration of their secondary school years. A significant adult in their years in the Sports School, the academy mentor provides baseline Education and Career Guidance and other forms of support to them throughout their stay.


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Sports School offers the GCE curriculum and three post-secondary through-train pathways. Student-athletes on the through-train pathways bypass the GCE O-Level Examinations and progress onto one of the three pathways conducted at the Sports School: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme with an option of taking the Extended Programme, the customised Diploma in Business with Sport Management Specialisation Track from Republic Polytechnic or the customised Diploma in Business Studies with Entrepreneurship Management Option from Ngee Ann Polytechnic.


Our teachers are a special breed. They are qualified with teaching certifications and are committed towards designing effective learning experiences, and helping student-athletes achieve their goals. As role models and mentors to student-athletes, our teachers influence, guide and nurture student-athletes to create a good academic foundation and enable them to navigate through an ever-changing world.