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Sporting Parents Network
Sporting Parents Network
About Us

Sporting Parents Network is an establishment of volunteer parents of Singapore Sports School’s student-athletes.
Vision and Mission
Sporting Parents Network (SPN) is committed to partner the school in embracing a holistic culture and career preparation of our children and to provide support in building good values, strong positive character and attitude in our children’s sporting and social lives. SPN aims is to establish closer networking with parents in supporting our children to achieve their fullest potential and to foster healthy communication between staff and parents via the committee.
Sporting Parents Network
- Partner the school in the holistic development and career preparation of our children to their fullest potential.
- Support the school in inculcating in our children a strong sporting spirit as young sportsmen and sportswomen.
- Support the school in nurturing strong positive character traits, values and attitude in studies and social skills of our children.
- Support our children in their sporting events in bringing honour to their academies, school and the nation.
- Promote a caring culture and closer parental bonding in strong partnership with the school.
Get To Know Us Better
Chairman | Mr Kelvin Kwek | Bowling Academy |
1st Vice-Chairman | Mr Melvin Lau Han Hwa | Badminton Academy |
2nd Vice-Chairman | Mr Andrew Low | Netball/Swimming Academy |
Secretary/ Treasurer | Mr Stephen John Tunstall | Fencing Academy |
Asst Secretary/ Treasurer | Mr Susan Loke | Fencing Academy |
Digital Media Comms Coordinator | Ms Cheng Ying Ling |
Bowling Academy |
Assistant Digital Media Comms Coordinator | Mr Norman Bin Kasiri |
Netball Academy |
Boarding Coordinator | Ms Chew Soon | Table Tennis Academy |
Asst Boarding Coordinator | Ms Andrew Lee | Multi-Sport Academy |
Dietary Coordinator | Mr Ramesh Rajentheran | Fencing Academy |
Asst Dietary Coordinator | Mr Hairul Sahril Bin Mohamed Fuzari | Fencing Academy |
Badminton Academy | Mr Eric Ong | Ms Jennifer Chew Geok Lan | Ms Chua Mei Imm Eileen |
Bowling Academy | Ms Lee Chin Chin | Ms Koh Hui Ling, Keshia | - |
Fencing Academy | Mr Tan Wee Min | Mr Koh Aik Chok | Mr Lee Chi Wai, Jason |
Football Academy | Mr Erfandy Bin Kusnadi | Mr Ahmad Nasir Football | Mdm Rohaida Binte Rahmat |
Multi-Sport Academy | Ms Grace Antonia Koh Hwee Cheng | Ms Wendy Chee | - |
Netball Academy | Mr Bob Wong | Mr Desmond Chow | - |
Shooting Academy | Mr Edwin Quek | Ms Michelle Tok | |
Swimming Academy | Ms Sim Ailing | Mrs Connie Chua | |
Table Tennis Academy | Ms Goh Li Li | Ms Wong Chock Ching | |
Track and Field Academy | Mr Robin Ooi Yeow Hwee | Mdm Chua Su-Lyn | |
Individual Programme |
Ms Lee Pei Shan Shannon (Gymnastics) Ms Tan Kar Lin (Ice Skating) Ms Masliza Binte Ismail (Pencak Silat) Mr Mohammad Yazid Bin Ahmad (Pencak Silat) Ms Tan Yen Yen (Water Polo) |
RP DBIZ Representative | Mr Mohammad Yazid Bin Ahmad (Silat - Individual Programme) |
NP DBS Representative | Mr Lee Chi Wai (Jason) (Fencing Academy) |
IBDP Representative | Ms Chua Mei Imm Eileen (Badminton Academy) |
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How To Join Us
You can sign up by clicking this link:

SPN rep will contact you after you have signed up. No membership fee is required.