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Broadening Future Horizons

University and Scholarship Fair

Written By
Stefanie Lee Feiyi
Badminton Academy, IBDP Year 5

The University and Scholarship Fair was a resounding success, attracting over 550 student-athletes, carded athletes and parents. The event featured 21 participating organisations, including the six local autonomous universities, eight foreign universities, advisory offices in France, Germany, and the United States of America, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence, the Public Service Commission and National Parks Board.

Representatives from the autonomous universities gave a glimpse into the undergraduate admissions process through information sessions. Their sharing was bolstered by riveting presentations by alumni, as well as a panel discussion. Through these talks, student-athletes and parents were able to glean valuable insights into athlete-friendly programmes that are tailored to the needs of high-performing athletes, as well as the unique cultures that form the backbone of student life in each university.

Personally, attending this fair was an eye-opening experience for me. As a student graduating in a year’s time, the pressure to have my future planned out clearly was catching up with me. Despite having undertaken some personal research, I still felt uncertain about my options. Having the opportunity to listen first-hand to admissions representatives sharing about student life, admissions processes, as well as unique aspects of each local university gave me a sense of confidence in facing my future decisions with clarity and assurance.

Not only did the scholarship and overseas university booths open my eyes to the myriad of possibilities available, they also served as a platform for me to clarify any doubts or misconceptions I had about application processes and student support. Despite my reservations, the representative staff at all booths were friendly and approachable, and I found myself being drawn into conversations about future careers and areas of study that I had not even previously considered. All in all, the University and Scholarship Fair catered to the diverse interests of student-athletes, giving me— and many other student-athletes— the chance to explore and expand our horizons and awareness of what lies ahead.

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