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Learning From The Success Of Our Alumni

Lessons from the Champions

It is always a pleasure to welcome our alumni back to share with our student-athletes their life experiences since graduating from Sports School. On 29 July 2024, we had alumni Kirsten Ong and Christina Suriadjaja who took time off from their busy schedules to share nuggets of wisdom with our student-athletes at the assembly programme Lessons from the Champions.

Kirsten Ong is a well-known social media influencer who runs sports, fashion and lifestyle content on her social media accounts. Kirsten shared about how she weighs potential offers from clients who approach her to market their products and also shared tips to sift out the unfavourable pitches that she has gotten. She highlighted how easy it was for an unexperienced influencer to fall prey to shady organisations who could use them to market their products.

Kirsten also talked about staying safe when engaging with audiences online. One tip that she shared was not uploading any personal details such as home addresses and live locations to repel stalkers and unwanted characters.

Christina Suriadjaja is the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer for Travelio, the Airbnb of Indonesia. She is also featured in the Forbes 30 under 30 Asia Class of 2017. As an entrepreneur, Christina imparted valuable knowledge to the IBDP students, sharing about her journey in entrepreneurship and the various levels of start-up funding. Christina also recounted her experience with failure as an ex-member of the national netball and soccer team allowed her to stay resilient during the early stages of her start-up, when she faced 23 rejections from investors before finally gaining funding.

Christina also emphasised the importance of routines in leading her to success, noting that the discipline and time management skills inculcated from her Sports School days were instrumental in helping her balance her various responsibilities as a CSO. Our student-athletes learned a great deal from the successes of our alumni and we thank them for sharing.

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