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Celebrating Our Multicultural Mosaic

Celebrating Our Multicultural Mosaic

Racial Harmony Day was commemorated on 15 July 2024 with an insightful talk during assembly by Ms Nazeera, a community practitioner with over a decade’s experience as a docent from Harmony Centre. Her topic was ‘Singapore: Our Multicultural Mosaic’.

Through her sharing on common misconceptions about Malays and Islam, Ms Nazeera prompted students-athletes to delve deeper into their understanding of race and religion in Singapore. Her talk aimed to enhance the value of multiculturalism in Singapore.

Student-athletes further probed into the topic during Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons the next day. The lower secondary student-athletes discussed multiculturalism in music through the ‘Open Score Project’ which aimed to enable student-athletes to reflect on their own actions and attitudes to foster social cohesion. The upper secondary discussed their role in contributing to active multiculturalism in Singapore.

Racial Harmony Day marks the 1964 race riots that occurred on 21 July when Singapore was part of Malaysia. Since 1997, this day has been observed annually on 21 July to promote racial and ethnic harmony across the nation.

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