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In Pictures: Youth Day

Youth Day Celebrations 2024

It was time for our youths and youths-at-heart to celebrate! This year’s Youth Day celebrations was wrapped around the theme Dreams Unleashed: Superheroes of Tomorrow. Our staff and student-athletes gamely dressed up as their favourite superheroes and some even upped the challenge with their take on ‘No Bags Day’.

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It was a flurry of characters on show that day. We had the Mario brothers, Spidermen, The Incredible Hulk, Sith Lord, and many more!

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Our superheroes had a blast participating in the assembly programme organised by the Student Council.

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All the effort to dress up did not go to waste as prizes were given out for the best dressed student-athlete and staff.

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Congratulations to all our superheroes and we hope that all of you had an awesome Youth Day!

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