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Student-Athletes Build Character By Giving Back To Community

Values in Action – Football, Swimming, Netball Academies

The Values in Action programme provides opportunities for our student-athletes to build strong characters through giving back to the community. Our student-athletes from the Football, Swimming and Netball academies were busy bees in June, planning and executing their VIA programmes.

 Our footballers took time off the pitch and used their energy to pack rations for needy families from Society of St Vincent de Paul in collaboration with Red Cross Society’s Project R.I.C.E.+. They sorted out various groceries and packed them individually into plastic bags, ready to be collected by the receiving families.

Our swimmers touched the lives of 63 seniors from Chong Hua Tong AAC and Fei Yue Hougang SSC who visited Sports School on 10 and 17 July. They spent quality time and candidly engaged the seniors by sharing a day in their lives, and brought them for a tour around the school. They also shared stretching exercises that the seniors can do at their own time before wrapping the visit with a healthy dinner at The Arena.

Continuing our partnership with Northwest CDC, our netballers stepped up to engage students from Fuchun Primary School and guided them through a game of netball. For most of the primary school students, it was their first time trying the sport.

Secondary 3 netballer Sophie Tan shared, “I witnessed the students’ excited faces as my fellow netballers and I introduced them to the different drills and netball positions. They were enthusiastic and willing to apply what they learnt when they finally took the court and played a game of netball. It was really important that we kept our energy levels high, so that the students kept their high intensity and positive spirit throughout the activities. The students had great fun bonding and laughing along with our student-athletes! I would like to acknowledge all the hard work of my fellow student-athletes, who managed to make this VIA project a success! I would definitely love to participate in more VIA projects again and bring smiles to the students’ faces!”

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