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What It Means To Be A Champion

ROAR Awards (May 2023)

Every month, Singapore Sports School presents ROAR Awards to exemplary student-athletes to acknowledge them for their character and values, and to inspire other student-athletes to be Learned Champions With Character.

Diver Max Lee Shen Oon was one of the recipients of the ROAR Awards for March 2023. The diver, who returned from the 32nd Southeast Games with a bronze medal, proved that he is not only a champion in sport, but has good character and values. When he found a handphone in the bus on the way to training, he took proactive steps to inform staff, safe-keep the phone and ensure it was returned to the rightful owner. He received the ROAR Award for showing integrity, empathy and responsibility.

Another recipient of the ROAR award is artistic swimmer Janelle Yeo. Janelle is a motivated and responsible student-athlete who has won over the hearts of her peers and teachers through her exemplary conduct. She is kind and respectful and goes out of her way to empathise and help her fellow classmates who are struggling academically. She is also a responsible and hardworking artistic swimmer. She monitors her progress closely as she strives for excellence in her sport. Janelle also has a heart for the community and gets involved in school or community activities.

Congratulations, ROAR Awardees!

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