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New Milestone For 21 Graduates From Joint Polytechnic Programmes

Polytechnic Graduation 2024

21 student-athletes embraced a new chapter in their lives as they graduated from Singapore Sports School’s joint polytechnic diploma programmes with a certificate and valuable experiences. 11 of them were from the joint Diploma in Business Studies course offered in collaboration with Ngee Ann Polytechnic, while another 10 of them were from the Diploma in Business programmed offered jointly with Republic Polytechnic.

These through-train polytechnic diploma programmes, tailored for student-athletes in Sports School, provide the flexibility and support necessary for their success.

Aiming High

Track and Field student-athlete Chloe Tan was one of the recent graduates who benefitted from the athlete-friendly Diploma in Business Studies programme. Despite her sporting commitments, Chloe topped the class, attaining the Diploma with Merit and Activa Media Prize for achieving the most outstanding academic performance in the Entrepreneurship option of the diploma programme.

Chloe shared, “I am thankful that Sports School has the through-train pathway as it gave me enough time and energy to put in 100% in my training as well as in studies. I made sure to prioritise and communicate with my lecturers and coaches.

The support that I received was excellent. It felt like a big family behind my back. My mentor Mdm Nani, Ms Phyllis, and the lecturers always gave me encouragement and motivated me to keep doing well. The small class size and familiar classmates we grew up with made us feel safe to ask questions.”

Chloe will be starting her degree in Business at the Singapore Management University in August, and hopes to specialise in branding and marketing. She also aspires to start her own business in the future.

Golden Experiences

Another shooter who excelled in sports and studies is Teo Jia En, who completed the Diploma in Business course. Jia En has a list of sports achievements under his belt, including attaining gold medals at international competitions such as the 2023 H&N Cup and Meyton Cup in the 10m Air Pistol Individual events. He recently graduated with the DBS Gold Medal award and a Diploma in Business with Merit.

He shared, “Sports School has provided me with countless opportunities to travel overseas and compete, which have helped me to improve and compete at a high level. I am also thankful for the support of my mentor and coaches, who have helped me succeed in both sports and studies.”

Ready for the Next Lap

Swimmer Ritchie Oh Rui Zhi, who came to Singapore to pursue his passion for swimming after spending his primary school years at international schools, also appreciates the strong support he received to excel in sports and studies. The mid-streamer who joined Sports School in Secondary 2, extended the completion of his diploma programme to five years instead of the usual three years. This enabled him to strike a balance between sports and studies as he could wrap his academic schedule around his sporting commitments. As a result, he achieved significant milestones in his swimming career, including representing Singapore at the 2019 SEA Games, World Championships from 2021 to 2023 and the Asian Games in 2023.

While placing importance on his sporting career, Ritchie attained an excellent Grade Point Average (GPA) for his diploma programme. Ritchie shared, “The academic schedule was very athlete friendly. Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s lecturers come down to Sports School for our classes. This reduced travelling time as our training facilities and classrooms were all within the same vicinity.”

A New Chapter Awaits

Equipped with a holistic experience at Sports School, the 21 recent graduates are future-ready and poised to excel in their chosen paths. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours!

Class of 2024

Diploma in Business Studies (NP-SSP)

Diploma in Business Studies with Merit
Activa Media Prize
Chloe Tan

Diploma in Business Studies
Chua Wen Xun
Hera Iman Mohamad Ahsik
Johann Prajogo
Kieron Kok Zi Hua
Ritchie Oh Rui Zhi
Ryan Tan Rui Yang
Shan Anandan
Tan Rui Heng
Tim Shee Zhe Guang
Wayne Tan Ze Ye

Diploma in Business (RP-SSP)

DBS Gold Medal Award
Diploma in Business with Merit
Teo Jia En

Diploma in Business with Merit
Louisa Helena Janssen

Diploma in Business
Adam Reefdy Muhammad Hasyim
Angus Quek Ngee Herng
Bron Sheum Han Shen
Derek Chan Wen Kai
Filzah Hidayah Nor Anuar
Ian Faris Shahrin
Nicholas Chong Xin Le
Raam Kumar Muthukumaran

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