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Sports School Pencak Silat Exponents Bring Home 3 Medals From Thailand
Sports School Pencak Silat Exponents Bring Home 3 Medals From Thailand
2019 World Beach Pencak Silat Championship

Sheik Ferdous Sheik Alau'ddin
The Patong Beach in Phuket, Thailand is famously known for its beach resorts, with cafés, restaurants and bars lying along its sandy, crescent coastline. The Singapore Pencak Silat Team was there not for a holiday but to participate in the 1st World Beach Pencak Silat Championship held from 30 September to 4 October 2019.
After six days, the tournament concluded with the Singapore Pencak Silat Team securing 10 medals – 3 golds, 2 silvers and 5 bronzes. Singapore Sports School alumnus Sheik Ferdous Sheik Alau'ddin contributed a gold while post-secondary student-athletes, Abdul Raaziq Abdul Rashid and Siti Khadijah Mohamad Shahrem contributed two bronzes.
The tournament saw the participation of pencak silat exponents from 35 countries worldwide as they competed for 26 sets of medals in both combat and performance events.
1st – Sheik Ferdous Sheik Alau’ddin (Men’s Match Class “I”)
3rd – Abdul Raaziq Abdul Rashid (Men’s Match Class “H”)
3rd – Siti Khadijah Mohamad Shahrem (Women’s Match Class “B”)